If you are getting an error that says something like this
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
or if Adobe Acrobat Reader says that the pdf is not a supported version you are probably either using a browser that has an ad blocker enabled or an antivirus program that is causing the problem. In the case of an ad blocking browser could either be a browser that has built-in ad blocking like Brave or it could be an ad blocking extension (like DuckDuckGo). Ad blockers tend to remove the "referred-by" field, but because of the way our downloads are configured you will not be able to access the files until you disable the ad blocking. Similarly, if you have an antivirus program that removed the "referred-by" field you will see this problem. In this case you will need to disable the antivirus program while you are downloading your music (don't forget to turn it back on when you're done).
You don't need to completely disable the ad blocker. Just add our site to the unprotected sites list by adding the domain "products-sheetmusicnow.s3.amazonaws.com".
If you have a problem after doing this, please be sure to include the name of your ad blocker and any anti-virus software you are using in a message to our help desk.
Alternatively, you can create an account if you don't have one already and go through the process as if you were transposing the music. Except when you get to the transposition menu select "Original Key". Here are instructions on how to do that:
Here's an example of how you would unprotect our site with DuckDuckGo on Chrome.
Popup your DuckDuckGo console:
Click on the "Unprotected sites" link:
Click on the "Add unprotected site" link on the new page:
Add the domain "products-sheetmusicnow.s3.amazonaws.com" to your unprotected sites list by adding it to the text box and clicking on Add:
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